Thursday, September 18, 2008

Thursday- Walking 1 Hour

Yeah, walking a fairly hilly course pushing two kids in the double stroller with husband helping in some places. I also gardened for 30-45 minutes, and spent about 30 minutes vacuuming out my car. Everyone is giving me their extra perennials, so I guess I'm not the only one gardening like crazy this fall.

I had two caffeine free sodas today. This was not entirely my fault, since I was not planning on walking tonight with Erik, he actually offered to go walking, which never happens! We always walk to the local QT when we walk. They have caffeine free diet on fountain, how could I resist?

I've been tracking my new caffeine free daily ups and downs (you know like how certain times of the day you feel tired, and other times you have more energy ect.) I'm pretty sure the "energetic" times of day that I was attributing to caffeine was just my normal body energetic times of the day. Either that or all this extra exercise is basically taking up where caffeine left off, and giving me the energy I need!


Renae said...

Yay for feeling energized without caffiene!

lizS said...

you're doin' great! and cool that erik seems to perhaps be getting in on the game, a little. vicariously. keep it up!