Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Tuesday- Walking 1 hour 30 minutes

I pushed Quis Bear in a double stroller all over creation, and my calves felt great. Woot! It's funny, though, that I forgot to stretch, but I did stretch before swimming last night (which I normally forget to do) so maybe that helped.

I also gardened for two hours, and discovered that I have to get "desensitized" again to my outdoor allergies since I took that month or so off because of my back. My upper lip swelled up a little, and I got a raging "dirt headache" after I got back inside. I plan on more gardening this week, and I hope my allergies get better.

I had one caffeinated soda today :(


Dana Cheryl said...

Only one though! You're doing amazing things.

What's a dirt headache?

lizS said...

yeah, only one, that's awesome! are you sure it was dirt headache, and not a caffeine headache? i feel for ya though, fall is coming on, and it's one of my bad seasons. the other is spring, which is worse. hang in there!

timpani76 said...

The dirt headache is a sinus related headache that basically centers around my eyes. I'm allergic to the outdoors, and especially something in dirt, so it takes me awhile to get past the "dirt headache" stage.

Oh no, I'm past the caffeine headache stage. Thank goodness!

Dana Cheryl said...

Oh! Wow. Allergic to dirt and it's your favorite place to play. Sad!

I'm glad you enjoy my meal listings T. It's keeps me motivated to continue when I see 'em written down. :)