Saturday, September 13, 2008

One hour of cardio

So for 2 days this week, I did get in the one hour of cardio. Wednesday and Thursday I only got my 30 mintues at work, because I had entirely too much work to do... the stuff hit the fan at work on Wednesday afternoon so I had enitrely too much to do. But at least I got in 30 minutes.

Embarrassing moment after one of my work workouts though. I was sitting at my desk, with a paper towel over my face to soak up the sweat without messing up my make up too badly, when there was a knock on my cubicle wall. I held my hand up and said just a second, thinking it was just one of my staff. However, when I turned around.... it was the CFO of the company I work for. Now, I console myself by thinking, at least I wasn't reapplying deoderant or taking my socks off, but still, I was mortified. I'm generally not an easily embarrassed person, but that just about did it. I know I turned 37 shades of red!


Eyepoke said...

oh my, that is embarrassing for sure! and way to stick with your workouts even when you're busy and stressed out!! trisha, you are awesome!

Trisha said...

Hardly, but I'm trying my best!

timpani76 said...

Funny story! I would have been super embarrassed too!

Dana Cheryl said...

LOL! I'm feeling it with ya. :) Why of all the people it had to be that person. Did you occasionally feel like you're in an episode of the office? :)

Is the exercising helping the stress?