Sunday, August 17, 2008

Bad Day for Liz's Day Six

Okay guys, sorry I didn't post yesterday. And my workout yesterday was wimpy. I ran errands to the grocery, the local Farmer's Market, and Wal-Mart. I blame it on the fact that I got no sleep Friday night, and I was just wiped out. Sorry about that! I plan on hitting the ground running (or the bike pedaling) tomorrow though!!
The Almighty Liz


lizS said...

by tomorrow, i meant monday, as sunday is the sabbath, and my day off.

timpani76 said...

As I said before, I take two days off every week (Sat. & Sun.). I don't consider that wimpy at all, just good recovery time. Especially for you sicky!

Dana Cheryl said...

For real... you need extra rest! Don't forget to take care of yourself. :)

Mary said...

I eat a ton of food and a 6 layer cake, and you tell me I still did great. You don't work out as much as you want, and you apologize for it?! Crazy lady! Oh yeah, and I too took the weekend off.

lizS said...

lol! thanks guys! i know i have an overactive guilt complex. i feel way better!