Tuesday, August 26, 2008

DC's Tuesday

I walked Lyra for a mile this morning.

Breakfast: Quinoa w/ fresh peaches, strawberries, blueberries, almonds, walnuts, flax seed & Ezekiel toast w/ butter & cantaloupe

Lunch: dinner leftovers from yesterday

Snack: trail mix

Dinner: banana/peach smoothie w/ Greek yogurt, soy milk, wheat germ & OJ concentrate


lizS said...

way to walk a mile! woohoo! and man, do you want to move in with me and be my cook?!

Dana Cheryl said...

Liz if we lived closer to one another I guarantee you that I'd cook for ya. I'd be bringing food over all the time. I love cooking but I love sharing it more. Having a roommate gives me a sense of purpose. ha ha! Cooking for one is boring!

lizS said...

i totally agree. i love to cook for other people! that's why i wan to open a restaurant eventually. it's my biggest pipe dream. :)

lizS said...

btw, what's quinoa? sorry if you've answered that question already! you just have so many interesting and exotic things you eat!