Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Wednesday- Walking 1 hour

I walked with the kids in a double stroller for one hour today to go to Shop N Save and get bananas, cereal bars, and apples and then come back. I actually found a sort of hilly area, and re-discovered a really hilly area Erik and I used to walk. I think I will save walking on the really hilly area until Erik can go with me and we can take turns pushing the double stroller.

I have not been walking for about a month due to illness (Fifth Disease), and no house AC (I was afraid of getting overheated and puking). I've basically have only been swimming and doing my strength workout once a week. We also had no refrigerator for about 3 weeks, so we ate out A LOT. Bad combo for me, I gained 5 pounds. That 5 lbs WAS the 5 lbs that would have made it 20 lbs I lost this year with extra exercise and trying to eat better, but now it is only 15 lbs that I have lost.

First goal-lose the 5 lbs I gained in July. Second goal-Lose 20 more lbs or get pregnant. 3rd goal-workout 4-5 hours a week until I lose the weight. I also want to keep up that workout level even if I do get pregnant so maybe I will only gain 20 lbs with the next pregnancy instead of the usual 35-40 lbs.

Confession for the day- I had a Snickers bar for breakfast. Maybe I made up for it by having a meatless salad for lunch ;)


lizS said...

that's awesome timpani, double strollers, complete with two kids, is no joke. it's hard. and then load it with groceries...! i'm in awe of your power! keep it up!

Dana Cheryl said...

Wow Timpani! You're getting cardio & strength w/ the walking/pushing combo. Way to work time constraints.