Thursday, August 28, 2008

DC's Thursday

Lyra and I walked a mile this morning and then another mile this evening.

Breakfast: Quinoa w/ strawberries, almonds, walnuts, flax, soymilk & cantaloupe

Lunch: Stirfry leftovers

Snack: jerky & trail mix

Dinner: smoothie w/ blueberries, strawberries, flax, Greek yogurt, soymilk

I'm not feeling so hot today and I don't have much of an appetite. Neverless my digestive system has finally started working. My tummy is pretty happy today. :)


timpani76 said...

Keep that tummy happy!

You seem to be exercising more, is that helping your other health problems?

Dana Cheryl said...

Well I'm exercising a little less. I usually do one or two hikes a week. This weeks has been pretty busy getting ready for my camping trip at Arches National Park this weekend.

Losing weight is the best thing that I can do for myself. It's just that I have to lose it at a controlled steady pace.

My new doctor is wonderful. They're going to be very involved in the weight loss area. They recognize that we can treat the symptoms but until the problem is fixed at the core I'm really not gonna get better.

First thing of the bat... No more steriods. Yay! That right there will help tremendously.

lizS said...

yay for happy tummies! i used to have an iron stomach, but having babies screwed that ALL up. it's much harder to maintain a content stomach now. and no more steriods!? hooooooray! um, yeah, that should definitly help in the weight loss area.