Thursday, August 14, 2008

Las Vegas

I spent the day with friends in Las Vegas. So while we weren't really hiking we did a whole lotta walking in 110 degrees heat. My friend, Amanda, said she could "feel the burn" at the end of the day. :)

My day started out with a bowl of raisin bran w/ soy milk so I could hit the "eat within two hours of waking" goal. For lunch I had turkey & chedder cheese on Ezekiel Bread with cantaloupe. Dinner was an In & Out Burger w/ fries. Raspberry & chocolate gelatto was my desert. Oh and I had peanut butter & raspberry preserves on Ezekiel Bread for a snack.

That's my day in a nutshell. Congrats to everyone for all the exercise. I love reading how ya'll are finding what works for you. It give me great ideas!


timpani76 said...

What's Ezekiel Bread? Do you have a recipe to post? I can't wait to see the Las Vegas pics on your blog!

lizS said...

and walking around stores and such totally counts! i always count my errands because i couldn't even do errands a couple of months ago. they always wear me out, therefore, they count. good job! and i, also, am curious as to ezekial bread. do tell!

Mary said...

I am SO JEALOUS! I MISS In & Out! When I got my hubby to go to CA with me to visit my family, I told him we HAVE to eat there, and he was like, "yeah whatever you freak." Yeah, we ended up eating there more than once! :)

Trisha said...

Yes, I totally made her eat at In-N-Out... I couldn't go to Vegas and not eat there!!! Blame me for the bad nutrition yesterday!

Dana Cheryl said...

My philosophy on healthy eating is 80/20. So long as I'm chowing down on the good stuff 80% of the time I'm OK eating the junk for the remaining 20%. It keeps me from being all control freak crazy anorexic. :)

Those sure are good burgers and the fries... Yum!