Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Ran Across This Story

I thought you might find it interesting. The second page near the bottom is especially interesting.


Dana Cheryl said...

Yep this is one of the reasons why I don't read that stuff or watch E! News. It's funny because I didn't even know that some of these women had kids. lol!

lizS said...

well, i read about half of the article, but i couldn't finish it because my internet is screwy right now. but i liked what i read! death to celeb moms!

Mary said...

Ok, well, maybe not death to them, but I just wish more people realized how risky trying to bounce back from pregnancy can be, and how unrealistic it is for people who don't have personal trainers, nannies, personal chefs, and a million dollar home gym they can work in for 5 hours a day. There are certain husbands (mine isn't necessarily one of them, but there are many) who think that because celeb moms do it, that their wife should be able to as well. It's just not the case. And I feel the same way DC, just watching celebrity gossip stuff makes me feel really ugly and rotten about myself. I don't need that kind of influence right now - I have enough self loathing as it is! :)

Dana Cheryl said...

What do you think it would take for you to love yourself? Just wondering...