Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Day Two

Okay people, this won't work unless you join up, or at the very least, COMMENT. Much thanks to Timpani, who has followed through with joining, and we hope to hear about her successes soon! Here's what I did today:
I did another three sets of five minutes each on my stationary bike. However, today I was able to cut my rest time in between down to ten minutes, instead of fifteen. AND, I was able to keep it at 10 mph without letting it fall lower, so I covered 2.5 miles exactly. AND, I'm not nearly as sore today as I thought I would be. I guess I'm tougher than I thought I was. Tomorrow, if the ceiling hasn't caved in on my little high here and I wake up able to move after all, I will add another five minute set, to make a total of four.
So let's get on joining up to the blog, so I don't feel like the lone gunman out here, bragging about how many notches I put in the ole belt today. Let's get excited and moving together!
The Almighty Liz


Mary said...

Ooh! So what happens is, I express an interest in a weight-loss support group, and you create one. Whether I'm ready or not...ok. Well, it's too late for me to start today, but tomorrow is a new day. I'll be here.

Mary said...

Ok, I wrote that before I read the blog entirely. :) I'll go do some kind of workout in front of the tv tonight and post it. Liz, you are so perky and excited about this! I love that!

lizS said...

hooray for mary! my first commenter! and i didn't mean you had to do something everyday. go at your own pace, and work with your own schedule. i just meant that if you do something, anything at all, you MUST post about it. that could be once a day, or once a month. as long as you post about it, you do whatever you want. if you want to post your goals, like i kind of am, we, as a little blog community, will support you and hold you accountable. that is my vision.